$5.99 USD
VPS-1 (0 Disponible)
1GB of RAM
40 GB of SSD
2 Cores (Dual E5-2620 v2)
1,000 GB of Bandwidth
Cached RAID 10 Storage
1 IPv4
Panel Installed
$9.99 USD
VPS-2 (0 Disponible)
2,048 MB of RAM
80 GB of SSD-Cached RAID 10 Storage
2 Cores (Dual E5-2620 v2)
2,000 GB of Bandwidth
1 IPv4
Panel Installed
$15.99 USD
VPS-3 (2 Disponible)
2,048 MB of RAM
200 GB of SSD-Cached RAID 10 Storage
2 Cores (Dual E5-2620 v2)
2,000 GB of Bandwidth
1 IPv4
Panel Installed